bekkou68 の日記

Gogengo! や IT 技術など。

Scrum Gathering Vietnam 2015 CFP申請通過メモ





Short biography

I'm a programmer, project manager, and agile practitioner. I develops smartphone applications with Objective-C and Rails, and am a one of a co-translators of Agile Samurai wrote by Jonathan Rasmusson and it sells about 30,000 copies in Japan.


Our Endeavor to Spread Agile Mindset to Fast Growing Organization

Short topic description

A company which I belongs to is growing fast. Therefore it becomes to have a lot of problems. To tackle them, we formed a special team. One of our effective done activities was to read Agile Samurai. Through the activity, we could share agile mindset among members involving non-programmers. Finally, the group becomes a place to set the stage for doing each member's action.

Goal of the session

Sharing my experience of spreading agile mindset to a fast growing company.

Type of topic

Scrum Applied

Speak types


Session duration

30 mins


How can a fast growing organization adopt agile?

I'll share my half-year experience of spreading agile mindset to a fast growing company. IGNIS LTD. where I work is a smartphone application development company and has grown from 30 people to more than 100 people within these two years. The number of concurrent running projects has changed from around 5 to 25. The term of projects is becoming longer to develop some products which make a stable benefit. Our situation is becoming remarkably complicated.

Therefore we have many problems, for example, some team members are suddenly assigned another project without an agreement between both projects and it gives them a serious confusion, some team members misunderstand definition of DONE and it causes communication mismatch, and so on. Transferring mindset and skills to run long-term project as a team was the biggest problem we've faced.

Applying agile methods to a fast growing organization has different kinds of difficulties compared to doing that to a stable organization. As you know, developing smartphone applications involve various roles including producers, designers, and programmers. To tackle the problem, we formed a special team named "Agile Guild" in October 31, 2014.

Agile Guild has done many activities for half a year. One that was effective was to form a group reading of Agile Samurai. Agile Samurai by Jonathan Rasmusson covers wide variety of topics related to Agile, and it was useful to invite non-programmers to the group. I'll talk about tips how to involve non-programmers to these activities with the experience of organizing reading groups.

Agile Guild is still actively working to spread agile mindset. I hope I can share some of the recent activities too.

cocoapods gem は Gemfile で管理したほうがよさそう


複数プロジェクトを持つ開発者が属するプロジェクトや、複数開発者が属するプロジェクトだと、pod install する度に Podfile.lock が書きかわってつらい。


cocoapods gem を Gemfile で管理します。

source ''

gem 'cocoapods'

pod install の方法が変わります。

$ bundle install
$ bundle exec pod install


『Fearless Change』を読んで



活動をしていて、方向性をたまに見失ったり、本当に正しいのか不安になったり、どうやって周りを巻き込むかなど、色々と悩むことがあります。それぞれに対して自分なりに考えて行動してみるものの、行動の支えがほしいなあと思っていました。そんなある日、同僚や Regional Scrum Gathering Tokyo でお会いした人から紹介されたのが 『Fearless Change』 でした。



  • 「チェンジエージェント」かっこいい
  • 「学習する組織」っていい言葉
  • 変化にはそのアイデアに共感してくれる仲間づくりは不可欠
  • 心や感情が先で、ロジックはそのあと。そういう研究でも出てる。何かを決めるときもそうだし、人に伝える時もそう
  • 強制的にトップダウンから新しいアイデアを導入しろといわれたら、一時期は従うかもしれないが、長期的には反発や抵抗が待っていることが多い
  • 著者の経験上、変化がもっとも効果的にあらわれるのは、ボトムアップからはじまり、現場および上位レベルのマネジメントから適切な支援が得られたケース
  • 変化したいドメインを先に考え、守り、背中を押し続けること
  • エバンジェリストになることが変化の最初である。自分のやることの大切さを信じ続けることが大事
  • 変化に抵抗のあるドメインにアイデアを広める試みの一つに、少数の人数で短い期間でやってもらい、なじまなければ取りやめることがある
  • もともとの対象としていたドメインの変化が終わったとしても、対象としていなかったドメインをさらに巻き込むことで相乗されさらなる効果が生まれやすい




勇気と知恵をくれる、素敵な本です :)